Introducing – Lasting Impact! Fall Circuit sponsored by: DFW Speech and Debate

Impact Fall Circuit Logo-2.png

As we launch into this 2020-21 unprecedented season of speech and debate, we are excited to see leagues and coaching organizations adapt.

Champions intuitively understand a foundational truth: mastery requires practice. In the face of last year’s canceled spring season, Lasting Impact! piloted an online tournament platform with a heart for providing a quality online tournament experience. The resulting tournament exceeded expectations. This got us thinking: why not provide a fall practice experience with the same level of quality? After all, we are not trying to replace in person tournaments, yet the art of communication needs to continue to grow and develop.

After lengthy brainstorming and planning, we’re incredibly excited to announce the Inaugural Lasting Impact Fall Circuit, hosted by Lasting Impact! and sponsored by DFW Speech and Debate. The Fall Circuit will provide conversational-styled value and team policy debate options for students (resolution options outlined below). It includes weekly rounds starting September 28th. After the six preliminary rounds finish, we will host a one-day outrounds experience November 7 with awesome prizes. The entire experience will run on a seamless online platform. This will give students, parents, coaches, and clubs all the opportunity to check out a virtual tournament!

Registration is open! Click this link to register! The early bird discount of $49.99 runs until the end of the day September 1st. Without required affiliations, travel costs, and other associated costs of competing in person, this online fall experience provides high-level practice for preliminary and elimination rounds at a fraction of the cost. You won’t want to miss it.

The resolution options will be…

TP 1:

Resolved: “The USFG should considerably decrease its military commitments.”

LD 1:

Resolved: “Economic stability is more important than economic growth.”

TP 2:

Resolved: “The European Union should substantially reform its immigration policy.”

LD 2:

Resolved: “In democratic elections, the public’s right to know ought to be valued above a candidate’s right to privacy.”

We look forward to meeting with you, and experiencing debate in a wonderful new way! No affiliation necessary to compete.

Check out the Impact Tournament site at

We are excited to sponsor Lasting Impact!’s incredible event and we strongly encourage students to sign up. Practice during the Fall is incredibly valuable. We are excited for the opportunities to still offer high quality competition and ways for our youth to grow. The question is – are you??

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