
Ian mikkelsen

Ian Mikkelsen is pursuing his doctorate in Public Policy at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He competed in high school and collegiate speech and debate for 7 years at the National level. In high school, Ian won the 2011 Kansas State Championship in Lincoln Douglas debate and concluded his high-school career as the National LD Runner-up at the NCFL 2011 championship. In speech, he made it to finals in Impromptu for his Junior and Senior year, and Extemporaneous for his Senior year, at the Kansas State Tournament, winning the Impromptu State Championship his senior year. In college, Ian competed in Parliamentary Debate winning multiple National Invitationals and took 2nd and 3rd place in the 2014 and 2015 National Parliamentary Debate Association Tournament. Ian also coached several top high-school competitors, helping the Seaman High School team close out the Public Forum National Qualifiers, win its second LD State Championship, and break to late out rounds in Public Forum at Nationals. Recently, he coached students to out rounds at NSDA Nationals, qualifying bids to the TOC Lincoln Douglas Tournament, as well as the 4th place speaker and 2020 National Champion in LD for NSDA. In collegiate debate, his students have won the 2016 IPDA National Championship, as well as several late out round placements in Team IPDA Nationals. He also has worked with multiple high school Congressional debate teams and helped to write pieces of legislation for the national tournament. Ian serves as a private coach for DFWSD where he enjoys working with students to help them excel in both speech and debate competition!

Events Coached: TP, LD, Parli, Public Forum, Platforms, Limited Prep

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