
Cody dedon

Cody Dedon is a NCFCA alumni with 5 years of competitive speech and debate experience. He holds 28 first place titles, 14 straight Humorous Interpretation victories, back to back H.I. national championships, an After Dinner championship and a national sweepstakes championship. After high school, Cody’s love of communication continued as he assumed the role of Head Speech Instructor for DFWSD where he coached over 1000 students. Today, Cody and his sister co-run a video and photography production company which conducts business around the world. Recently, Cody’s love of communication extended onto the big screen when he secured a lead role in a cowboy feature film entitled The Wanderer which will be out soon. For Cody, communication is not just a pastime, it is a powerful and invaluable art form to which he has dedicated his life. He would be honored to walk with you on your journey to become the best communicator that you can be!

Events coached: Interpretive speech

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